Math Tutoring - Is it a Good Idea?

When Mathematics feels like navigating an uncharted territory, where the terrain becomes increasingly complex with each new concept, math tutoring is a beacon of hope. For many students, the mere mention of math can elicit a mix of anxiety and uncertainty. But with the right tutor, students may open their eyes to a new understanding of mathematics and a new level of confidence in their ability to solve math problems. Click on the following links to get answers to your questions about math tutoring:

  1. Is it a Good Idea to get a Math Tutor?

  2. What is the Difference Between a Math Tutor and a Math Teacher?

  3. What do you do in Math Tutoring?

  4. Why are Personal Math Tutors Better than Math Tutoring Websites?

  5. What are Some Free Math Tutoring Websites?

To gain a new understanding of mathematics, contact EZ-Teach!


Math Tutoring

  1. Is it a Good Idea to get a Math Tutor?

Continue reading to find out why math tutoring is a good idea!


For many students, mathematics sparks an overwhelming amount of anxiety and stress. Even before the question is read, students are nervous about their lack of understanding and problem solving skills. Studies from PISA show that Canadian students’ have been dropping since 2003, even more so since 2018. This means that many students struggle with math, and as a result there are many qualified and experienced math tutors both in person and online. So, is math tutoring a good idea? Yes, with the right tutor! Here’s how a math tutor can help:


A) Confidence

It is important for a student with math anxiety and stress to have a tutor who is patient, understanding and encouraging. Often times, the biggest roadblock to performing well in math is increasing a student’s confidence. Many students assume they are not good at math, without putting in the proper effort to learn. A tutor can help a student see mathematics as less intimidating and help them put in their best try at becoming a better problem solver.


B) Identify Areas of Need

Students who already struggle with math may not know exactly what they struggle with. You may have heard someone say, “ I don’t know what I don’t know!” and that is often the case for students in math. What are their questions? What do they not understand? Where are their gaps of understanding? This is where a math tutor can help. A math tutor can walk through understanding step by step until they see exactly where the gap lies.


C) Provide Tailored Solutions

After identifying the areas of need, a math tutor can then tailor the solutions to target a student’s specific way of learning. This may mean comparing mathematical concepts to real life, creating visual aids, or using repeated practice.


D) Personalized Attention

In a classroom filled with students, it is often hard to get any personalized attention tailored to your needs as a unique learner. Teachers often provide a one size fits all approach, even though one size usually does not fit all. With math tutoring, a tutor can learn your specific learning style and tailor their approach to meet your needs, all the while only paying attention to you. There is no divided attention to other students who are at different levels with varying levels of understanding.

2. What is the Difference Between a Math Tutor and a Math Teacher?

Image by steveriot1 from Pixabay


While both play crucial roles in a student's education, there are notable distinctions between a math tutor and a math teacher.


A) Location

A math teacher typically works within a formal classroom setting, delivering lessons to a group of students. In contrast, a math tutor provides one-on-one or small-group sessions in math tutoring.


B) Personalized Attention

A math teacher’s responsibilities extend beyond individualized attention, encompassing curriculum adherence, lesson planning, and evaluation of student progress. On the other hand, a math tutor steps into a more intimate space, providing one-on-one or small-group sessions. This personalized approach allows the tutor to:

  • focus keenly on the specific needs of the student,

  • address gaps in understanding,

  • and tailor the learning experience to match individual learning styles.

This targeted attention fosters a deeper comprehension of mathematical concepts and provides a supportive environment for asking questions without the fear of judgment.


C) Flexibility and Adaptability

Another key distinction lies in the flexibility and adaptability inherent in math tutoring. While a math teacher adheres to a predetermined curriculum and schedule, a tutor can adjust their approach in real time. If a student struggles with a particular concept, a tutor can dedicate more time to that area, ensuring a thorough understanding before moving forward. This adaptability makes math tutoring particularly effective for students grappling with specific challenges or those seeking to accelerate their learning pace.


D) Building Confidence

The personal connection formed between a student and their math tutor often contributes to increased confidence. In a supportive, non-judgmental setting, students may feel more comfortable expressing their uncertainties and seeking clarification. This personalized attention not only aids in addressing academic gaps but also nurtures a positive mindset towards mathematics.

3. What do you do in Math Tutoring?

Continue reading for common elements in a math tutoring session!

The essence of math tutoring lies not only in deciphering equations and theorems but also in understanding the unique needs and challenges of the learner. There are many different approaches to math tutoring, and different activities and structures could be used. Typically, the following steps are taken by most math tutors:


A) Diagnostic Assessment

While Diagnostic Assessment may sound formal, it means trying some problems so that your tutor can see the gaps in understanding and identifying areas of strength. This diagnostic phase lays the foundation for a tailored roadmap, ensuring that the tutoring sessions address specific gaps in knowledge.


B) Customized Learning Plan

With insights from the assessment, the math tutor crafts a customized learning plan. It outlines the:

  • objectives,

  • strengths,

  • areas for improvement,

  • and the methods that will be employed to enhance understanding.

The tutor adapts teaching strategies to match the student's learning style, ensuring that the material is not only comprehensible but also engaging.


C) Concept Clarification

The heart of math tutoring lies in clarifying concepts that may have eluded the student in a traditional classroom setting. Tutors offer detailed explanations, breaking down complex ideas into digestible components. They encourage questions, fostering an environment where the student feels comfortable seeking clarification on anything that may seem unclear or confusing.


D) Practice and Application

The key to learning math is practice, practice, practice! The more types of examples a student experiences and completes, the more confidence they build and the skills they acquire. Math tutors provide ample opportunities for the student to apply newly acquired knowledge through guided practice problems. The tutor may use the student’s homework assignments to help get them completed and offer concept clarification throughout the assessment.

4. Why are Personal Math Tutors Better than Math Tutoring Websites?

Image by khamkhor from Pixabay

While math tutoring websites offer valuable resources, the personal touch provided by a human tutor cannot be overstated. The ability of a personal tutor to adapt their teaching methods to the student's unique learning style contributes to a more effective and engaging learning experience. In addition to tailored learning experiences, real-time adaptability and personalized attention, math tutoring with a real tutor online provides:


A) Motivation and Accountability

While math tutoring websites can be a valuable resource, they lack the motivational factor that a personal tutor brings to the table. A tutor serves as a mentor, inspiring the student to persevere through challenges and providing encouragement along the way. Moreover, the accountability established through regular, personalized sessions helps students stay on track with their learning goals, ensuring consistent progress.


B) Holistic Support Beyond Math

Personal math tutors often offer holistic support, addressing academic challenges and helping students develop:

  • effective study habits,

  • time management skills,

  • and a positive attitude toward learning.

This comprehensive approach goes beyond the scope of most math tutoring websites, contributing to the overall growth and success of the student.

5. What are some Free Math Tutoring Websites?

Khan Academy is one of the best at-home math resources.


Here are some of the best math tutoring resources online:

  • Khan Academy - Perhaps one of the most commonly used resources in math classrooms and at home. It includes instructional videos, reading and practice problems for a large array of mathematical topics and concepts.

  • iXL - A personalized learning website that has practice problems for each outcome In each province’s math curriculum.

  • Math is Fun - This website has explanations and examples of different math topics that you may use to practice.

  • Paul’s Online Math Notes - This website has explanations and examples for higher-order courses like Algebra and Calculus.


Math Tutoring: With EZ-Teach

Get math tutoring through EZ-Teach!

Whether facing academic challenges or striving for excellence, the guidance of a math tutor propels students toward a deeper understanding, building a foundation for lifelong mathematical success. Math tutoring emerges not as a mere solution to academic struggles but as a transformative experience, reshaping the way we approach and comprehend mathematical problems. The personalized attention, adaptability, and human connection that a tutor provides create an environment conducive to not just learning but mastering mathematical principles.

EZ-Teach offers a professional and friendly math tutoring service for students of any age. We use evidence-based strategies like spaced repetition and visual aids. We have experienced tutors who specialize in math waiting to tutor you!

If are looking for 1-on-1 online math tutoring, contact EZ-Teach!


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